With a secular and democratic ideology, the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal believes in creating a socialist society, which works on the principle of equality. The Uttarakhand Kranti Dal believes in continuously working towards the upliftment of weaker sections of society and it stands strong against communal forces.
We seeks to increase the political power, influence and/or self-determination of the people of one or more subnational regions. We focus on development of a political or social system based on one or more regions and/or the national, normative or economic interests of uttarakhand.
Preserving the resources of uttarakhand by implementing various economic policies like land laws, etc
We defend the values of uttarakhand by liberal principles that are members pledge to adhere
supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on economic democracy, workplace democracy, and workers' self-management within a market socialist economy or some form of a decentralized planned socialist economy